9901 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78217
Mon-Fri, 7:00am-7:00pm CT
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DynaTouch has over 3 decades of experience delivering kiosk solutions to government and healthcare organizations, helping them to achieve full regulatory (ADA, Section 508 & HIPAA) compliance.
Of significant importance is that TIPS software has been validated by the IRS IRAP team. DynaTouch was awarded a contract for the IRS FSA (Facilitated Self Assistance) Kiosk project in late 2010 to supply a total kiosk solution, including kiosk hardware, software and content, along with comprehensive implementation, deployment and ongoing support services. The project was very successful and is still in operation today, over 10 years later.
A key factor to the success of the program was the ability of TIPS kiosks to meet the strict Section 508 compliance requirements. The systems had to be fully accessible to the those who are unsighted and/or visually impaired. The TIPS software was tested by the Internal Revenue Service IRAP team in March of 2011 during the implementation of the FSA Kiosk program. The IRS IRAP team used a list of predetermined test scripts to test functionality. The testing was composed of an IRAP team member and a third-party 508 compliance consultant and was completed over a two-week timeframe. The TIPS software ultimately passed all tests and is currently in use at IRS TAC sites around the nation.
TIPS software has full regulatory compliance. Specifically, it:
Our software is also designed for accessibility and usable for the blind and deaf. We offer a range of peripherals with our kiosk solutions to serve your needs.
Our software is also designed for accessibility and usable for users in wheelchairs, as well as the blind and deaf. We offer a range of peripherals with our kiosk solutions to serve your needs.
Learn more about ADA Standards here or contact us and we can recommend a solution for you.
Is DynaTouch familiar with kiosks that make assistive technologies such as text-to-speech devices, audio interfaces, a tactile keyboard or assign language avatar available to clients?
TIPS software has a built-in, scriptable text-to-speech engine, as well as user-selectable screen size, contrast and volume settings. TIPS is also fully compatible with commercially available screen readers and screen magnifiers.
Do most government kiosks have assistive technologies?
There are many degrees of assistive technology. Most government kiosks have at least rudimentary assistive technologies (user selectable settings, audio headset connectors, etc.), however not many have taken advantage of more comprehensive technologies required for extremely disabled users or those who are unsighted. But the trend is changing, due to more public awareness.
Does your company make any or all of these technologies available to kiosk clients?
Yes, we can provide almost any type of assistive technology.
To what extent do clients include any of these technologies?
Most clients willingly implement the basic assistive technologies. Most have not adopted the more comprehensive assistive technology options in the past, but we are starting to see that change in a positive way.
Which of these assistive technologies for the disabled are most commonly deployed?
To what extent do kiosk manufacturers and integrators make clients aware of these technologies?
With the exception of a few integrators like DynaTouch who work extensively with government agencies, there are very few kiosk manufacturers and integrators who make their clients aware of these technologies. For some, that may be because they simply aren’t aware of all the technologies. For others, it probably has more to do with the added cost.
Does UL or any other manufacturing certification require ADA compliant features?
We are not aware of any UL or other certification requirements.
How serious of a problem is this for the self-serve kiosk industry?
The lack of commonly understood and commonly deployed assistive technologies is a large and growing problem for the self-serve kiosk industry. ADA compliance is about the solution, not the hardware or the software or the content. The solution is the careful integration of all three of those. It’s very typical for a hardware manufacturer to state that their product is ADA-compliant just because of its physical dimensions, or that it can be equipped with an EZ Access® device. Big mistake. If you don’t understand how all the pieces fit together, then you shouldn’t make claims about ADA compliance.
More info
There are a wide range of assistive technologies. Even the most basic and cost effective options are under-utilized. To equip a self-service kiosk with complete and comprehensive assistive technologies requires specialized design, software and hardware. Having the experience, understanding and a good working knowledge of integrated solutions is essential.