9901 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78217
Mon-Fri, 7:00am-7:00pm CT
Contact us today for a no-obligation price quote and consultation!
DynaTouch has been delivering self-service, patient-facing kiosk solutions to the healthcare industry for many years. From our first installations in Military Hospitals, to VA Medical Clinics and Indian Health Medical Centers, we have now added Community Health Centers and private healthcare facilities across the nation to our client list. We have provided kiosk solutions for patient check-in, pharmacy refill, patient education, directory/wayfinding, HR/employee self-service, recruiting, patient surveys, health assessment surveys, visitor information, and access to online Internet services, and more.
Please contact us for more information about the specific solution(s) provided to one or more of these clients.
9901 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78217
Mon-Fri, 7:00am-7:00pm CT
Contact us today for a no-obligation price quote and consultation!