9901 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78217
Mon-Fri, 7:00am-7:00pm CT
Contact us today for a no-obligation price quote and consultation!
Hands-only CPR training kiosks are an exciting project to watch as these machines become accessible to the general public. More and more stories show how effective these training kiosks are – lives are being saved! In as little as 5 minutes, the kiosks provide life-saving information and a fun way to learn for all ages. The kiosks are available to the public and located in U.S. airports, convention centers, shopping malls and hospitals.
All DynaTouch solution packages are designed to include the hardware, software, services and support needed for a fully-integrated, ready-to-run, turnkey system. Or, if you already have hardware or a preferred hardware vendor, just let us know!
All TIPS kiosks are powered by TIPS Kiosk Management Software, our proprietary secure browser / lock-down software which:
TIPS software has already been approved to operate on some of the most secure healthcare and government networks that exist, including the Military Health System and Defense Health Agency, VA, SSA, FBI and others.
TIPS kiosks also come with a subscription to TIPS Cloud™, our password-protected cloud-based Customer Service Center, where authorized administrators can view system status, view and print system usage data, sign up to receive automatic email reports, upload new screen savers, manage authorized URLs, and submit content change requests.